Don’t forget the important stuff!
Are you making your own 72 hour kits oremergency survival packs? It is fairly simple to do so, providing you have a good checklist to follow.
Many folks find it easier to jut buy a ready to grab kit. That way they don’t need to worry about finding everything and it IS quite interesting to open one of those put together ones when you get it!
There are many ready made kits available online, making it easy to purchase a 72 hour kit rather than make your own emergency survival pack, just eyeball them good to make sure they have most everything you will need.
There will usually be some things you’ll want to add for your own particular situation, but just HAVING something on hand is a huge relief, knowing that at least you have a couple days of supplies to get you through until you get a plan made or things change back to normal.
The Quality of the Bag – Or Pack:
Here’s a few tips to help you get the most for your money when purchasing a kit…. or use them to help you prepare your own emergency preparedness kit.
And… there are even solar powered backpacks now to make it even easier for us!
PERSONALLY, by the time you FIND all the items needed for your kit, you have often spent JUST AS MUCH or more as when you buy one. =)
Look closely at the quality of the bag. It should be well constructed, made to take heavy-duty abuse, have easy carrying handles and if it’s a backpack, it should have padded shoulder straps. Make sure it has extra room for you to add an old sweatshirt or light jacket. You will want room to add a pair of old tennis shoes (just in case you get caught in your heels or clumsy work boots). Remember, this bag is going to protect your “survival insurance” supplies and it had better be up to the task. It should be able to endure the punishment of bouncing around in the trunk of your car for years.
First Aid and Food
- First Aid:
Many cheaper kits simply include a ziplock bag with a few band-aids and antiseptic wipes. Better kits will have a much broader selection of first-aid items and also include a comprehensive first-aid book.
First-aid kits can range from the $2 types to the $30+ types. Be sure your kit has a wide range of various first-aid supplies.
- Foods:
Your kit should only have foods specifically made to be non-thirst provoking, provide high calories (for energy), be low in protein (requires less water of digestion), not affected by high heat (think, car trunk in the summer), have a long shelf-life and yet still tastes good.
- Flashlight and Radio
Here is where kits can vary a lot.
A cheaper kit will have a dollar store flashlight. A higher value kit will have either a better quality flashlight or what I would recommend is that regardless what they have for a flashlight in your kit, add a few of those shake LED flashlights.
Also it is a good idea to add a crank style radio. No batteries to rust and corrode that way.
Some kits have light sticks and long burning candles and that is a sign of a better quality 72 hour kit as well.
- Shelter, Heat & Warmth
Many low cost kits do not include much. Protection from the elements is important.
A heavy mil thickness ‘tube tent’ makes a low cost shelter for 2 people and should be included in your 72 hour kit (it can also be used as a signaling device).
Instant pocket hand warmers and a Space Blanket for each person is a good thing to have in your kit. As always, remember quality!
I have seen some very cheap space blankets and then there are better ones…
There are always things you can add and learn about as you go along, such as survival outdoor gear,, but don’t make a habit of“borrowing” supplies from your kit with the good intentions of putting it back later, even if you have been carrying it around in your trunk for a year.
When an emergency arises, you will be very glad your kit is all intact!