What good is stored up food, if bugs get into it or it goes bad?
Best survival food?
Well… My pet peeve is finding weevils and bugs in my food storage, so to ME the best form of survival food is whatever will last for years with no fear of bugs, mice or weevils! 🙂
It is JUST as important HOW your stockpile of food is stored than what KIND of food you store up.
Many of the boughten survival food kits come in vacuum packed packages so they will store for a long time, or if you can get it in buckets, that is even better as you won’t need to worry about critters getting into it or of losing it to moisture, etc.
How LONG and How MUCH Food:
These are very valid questions.
How long do we need to prepare ahead for – and how many mouths are we preparing for?
The length of time is simply based on what kind of a plan we have…and if we are thinking of bunkering down at home, or have a getaway plan in mind.
I would suggest striving towards a food backup of six months if we plan to stay at home, and about half of that if you are planning to get out of dodge.
But even there, every one’s preparedness needs are different, so figuring this piece out is very important.
That is often the first step in determining what foods are best and what type of food storage system to use.
Here is a food list to help you get started if you want some ideas of what KIND of foods to stockpile, ESPECIALLY if you are expanding your shelves at home.
Budget and Timeline:
What is your plan as far as … do you plan to buy it all at once or are you wanting to buy a little at a time.
If you are on a tight budget, check out our Stockpiling Food on a Shoestring Budget page here….
If you are wanting to just bite the bullet and store enough food to last for a year or more, there are several places where you can get great QUALITY food reserves.
IF you are thinking about storing food on your own without vacuum sealing it or anything like that, there are a few things to bear in mind with long term food storage.
It is best to store most items in a cool dry place.
- Attic = BAD choice… attics are very hard to moderate the temperatures. I know, I have one. They can get extremely warm in the summer and cold in the winter so don’t store your food there.
- Basements = Better choice… It often stays more of a moderate temperature year round in the basement, but unless your home is fairly new, there is always the danger of mice and bugs in cellars.
- Sealed off root cellar= best choice.. if you have a root cellar that is sealed off pretty good to prevent moisture from building up and rodents from making a living, you have a great storage area.
Buying Your Food Reserves:
There are several options available if you plan to purchase your foods.
My personal preference is the Mountain House Foods, which is a freeze-dried food,(and the best for long term) as it is prepackaged to last for 30 years, so all you need is a cool dry place to store it.
WHERE to Purchase Freeze Dried Foods:
I NEED to really caution you here as because of the economical situation we are finding ourselves in, there are countless scammers online that are taking advantage of uneducated people that are simply wanting to get a little ahead of the deal, by marketing so-called year supply food units and if you examine them closely you will be surprised at what it is.
I shared a little more about that, and what to look for in a QUALITY food unit,here at ==>> Survival Food Units if you want to take a peek at that.
Wherever you purchase your best survival food at, make sure they offer free shipping as the food units are heavy and shipping can be a huge cost.
Nitro-Pak is Our Most Popular Food Reserves Site
NEWS!! Storing up survival foods just got easier!
How about getting a case of dehydrated food units a month sent to your home until you have enough food to last however long you need it to last!?
We found a company that is willing to do just that and the beauty of this company is that they ship all your survival food units TOTALLY FREE!
CLICK HERE to see how YOU can get started receiving a case of survival food each and every month…starting today!
We have a page just for survival food units if you click here ==>>Best Survival Food Packages<<==click here
And here is one on Survival Food PREPARATION as well.
When you really think about it, food IS a vital part of emergency preparedness! We sure won’t last long without it.