Talk About Complete!
If you are looking for a great COMPLETE – all in one – family survival kit for emergency preparedness, here is one of the best we have ever seen, and a popular one.
AND it is from one of our most trusted suppliers which is a huge plus.
Click on the picture to get to all the juicy details of what’s included... it will take you to the NitroPak site where these kits can be purchased.
Although we recommend having a ‘survive in place’ plan in the making, having something like this as a backup for supplies is a great ‘set-my-mind-at-ease-er!
For the business person with not much time to get things together, this can be a great time saver as by the time you have gathered everything together to make your own family sized survival kit, you can actually SAVE time and energy by simply BUYING one!
Making Your Own?
- Make Your Own 72 Hour Kits
- Bug Out Bag Checklist… to make your own Bugout Bag.
- First Aid Kit Checklist… to make your own kit.
- Survival Gear List… to add as well.
Now Back to The Amazing Family Survival Kit!
Here is a VERY partial list of what is all inside this kit….
- No-Cooking or Preparation’ Delicious Freeze-Dried Foods (25 Year Shelf-Life)
- Water Filters and Storage Barrels
- Emergency Lighting
- Emergency Heat & Warmth
- Medic Quality First-Aid Supplies
- Sanitation Supplies
- PLUS Evacuation Gas Masks & Spare Filters
- 10 Year Storing Vitamins
- Potassium Iodide (radiation nuke pills)
- Our BEST Solar/Battery Powered Lantern with AM/FM/Radio
- 2 Executive 72 Hour Evacuation Kits for Your Vehicles
- …and Much, Much More!
the list is way too long for me to copy and it’s much easier for me to just have you visit this page to get that. =)