Want to Take a Preparedness Course?
There are some great emergency preparedness programs and courses available online for those that want to earn a certificate or make a career out of working in that area… OR for those that just simply want to get educated about survival and emergency preparedness.
Thousands of preppers are involved in some sort of preparedness course, whether online or in a camp somewhere, but there are also courses where you can learn how to become an instructor on prepper topics yourself.
We are not instructors though – just a family that has some experience under out belt on basic skills and want to share them. =)
Some Great Prepper Resources:
CDC (cdc.gov) has some great resources on emergency and survival, including courses, programs and preparedness training.
Ready.gov is another great site with tons of resources and links to all kinds of emergency survival stuff.
If you happen to be a state, local, or tribal government emergency responder, FEMA in Anniston Alabama will train you for free. They will pick you up at the airport, feed you, house you and train you for free, in all areas of domestic preparedness. ( Almost makes ME wish I was in that category as I would definitely go spend a few winter months in Alabama where it’s nice and warm!)
Truthfully though, I always say, and always WILL say, that if you want some REAL training and experience in how to deal with emergency situations, just go camping in some wild country for a few days.
You will learn VERY quickly what to expect, should you get thrust out on your own with no electricity or conveniences when you spend a few nights out on your own. ☺
Here is a List of some Great Emergency Preparedness Programs we have come across:
- Ready.gov Be informed, make a plan, get involved is what this site is all about.
- Oregon Preparedness Program a great resource and training site if you are on the West Coast somewhere.
- Georgia Preparedness Site It’s interesting how the preparedness topics change with location. The topics on the Georgia site are definitely more for warmer climates compared to some of the sites found in colder states!
- Transportation Emergency Preparedness this one may be a bit off topic for what we talk about on our website, but we found it a valuable asset for folks researching programs and training resources.
- Public Health Emergency Another great resource site for anything emergency and preparedness related.