by Richard
I was in Northern Rocky Mountains when our helicopter fell from the sky.
Both the pilot and I had survived with little equipment.
The 5 pounds of shelled Hemp Seed is what saved my life.
We were walking for 1 week until we found a town with a telephone.
Shelled Hemp Seed saved my life and now I eat it everyday!
– Richard from Canada
note from admin:
- Thank you for your note Richard.
- It caused me to take a look at the benefits of eating hemp seeds.
I have to admit that I had always connected it with marijuana!
- But according to my small research spree, you won’t get high from eating hemp. *smile*
- Instead, it is quite high in protein and is very digestible, plus it has approximately 56% Omega 6, 20% Omega 3 and 3% gamma linolenic acid.
- (
it is one of only two plants containing ALL THREE of these valuable nutrients.
So maybe add hemp seeds to your survival packs? It’s a thought…