by carson
(centrellia wa 1807 on hillview off of renalds)
Here’s what 12 year old Carson says he would add to a survival pack or to his list:
- ghtweight sturdy saw
- a good knife ( gerber lmf2 , gerber prodigy, rat 5 blackbird sk5 becker bk2 companion also known as a sharpened crowbar
- waterproof matches
- lighter
- flint
- poncho
- ;ight tarp 8 by 10
- emergency blanket
- emergency sleeping bag
- small fishing kit
- flairs or fireworks to keap Mr. Fluffytinkles away and to signal for rescue
- big smokebomb
- leatherman
- first aid kit
- bright flashlight with extra batteries
- compass
- whistle
- metal pot
- water cleaning stuff
- water
- mirror
- 75 ft of 550
- wire
- tinfoil
- wire saw
- ducktape
- glitter ( looks cool when it burns)
- hat
- magnifying glass
These are things i would consider and their really light.
hope this helps – Carson of centrellia wa
ps im 12
Thanks from admin
Thank you Carson!
Do you have your survival pack all packed and ready?
You sound like a very wise young man. =)
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