How Can We Prepare for a Tornado?
After seeing what happened in Joplin MO again it makes one very aware that we must learn how to prepare for a tornado,if we are living in an area where tornadoes are likely to hit and what to do after a tornado.
For MANY people, once a tornado hits, it is a tragedy.
So many things are lost, so much hard work is all gone up in smoke or lies in ashes.
It is a sad day.
And in ANY tornado, hurricane or catastrophic event, the most important thing is that families can find each other after everything quiets back down.
Tornado Preparedness Tips as a Family
Every town that has the potential to be hit with tornadoes, such as Joplin Mo, should have some sort of underground shelter for families living in the cities.
If the whole family is at home when a tornado hits, everyone can head for cover ( preferably underground) and stay together, taking important things to the cellar WITH them.
And if there is enough of a tornado warning AHEAD of time, it also makes it easier to get to safety.
A few tips on getting ready for tornadoes and for after a tornado has hit:
Get a light Bug Out Bag ready for each person, including items such as the following and have it ready in a light backpack. Store them in your cellar in air tight plastic bags if there is a good chance you will make it there in time.
If you have teens or are on the road a lot with jobs etc, then it may be better to keep your bug out kits in the trunk of your car.
- flashlights
- dust mask
- whistle
- pocket knife
- some cash
- sturdy pair of shoes
- change of clothes
- photos of family members
- List of emergency numbers and family cell phone numbers
- copy of ID
- toothbrush, toothpaste, comb
- first aid kit <== very important!
- battery operated radio or walkies
- fire starter
- several hi protein energy bars
- small water purifier kit
The important part in how to prepare for a tornado is communication… making sure everyone knows what to do in the event you get separated…. where to go and how to get touch with other family members.
In some cases, such as in Joplin MO where there WERE tornado warnings, it may be better to have your survival bag in a handy spot in the house and ready to grab at a moments notice. In that event, you may want to have a bigger, more supplied kit stashed in your tornado shelter for use AFTER the storm.
There are many ways to prepare for a tornado, but none of them prepares ANYONE for dealing with the loss of a loved or all your belongings. It just simply makes it a bit easier to cope with all the chaos after a tornado hits.
Store a BIGGER emergency pack in your tornado shelter.
Add items such as the following to a bigger emergency pack that you can store in your tornado cellar for as long as you need to. Check it every few months to make sure there is no rot and that everything still works such as battery operated items, etc.
- freeze dried foods (these keep for a long time)
- water jugs
- blankets
- small cook stove
- cooking utensils
- heavy work gloves
- tools (crowbar – hammer – nails, etc)
- Large trash bags
- Duct tape
- Unscented bleach for sanitizing stuff
- rain gear
- … there may be other items that you will want to add …
The important thing is that you have a plan! After a devastating storm such as the Joplin MO tornadoes, any little thing that was done beforehand in preparation for a tornado will greatly help in aiding others as well as yourself till help gets there.