Here Are Several of the Best Wind AND Solar for Home Use GuidesWe Have Found So Far
There are a variety of home solar plans on the internet and you will want to do some research to see what they offer so you can pick the best one for your needs.
Most of them are actually for solar and wind BOTH and are available for under fifty bucks, so it is a reasonable price to pay to be able to save thousands on your home energy system.
Number One Choice:
Earth 4 Energy System
Earth4Energy is one of the most popular solar guides available today. The guide is very good and direct and does not leave you hanging. They have many satisfied customers that have been able to build their own solar panels and wind energy systems.
It will save you $1000’s by teaching you step by step how to build your own system for only a few hundred bucks. The new videos that have been added to the already popular guide help simplify the process even more.
Visit the Earth 4 Energy Website by Clicking Here
Second Choice:
Home Made Energy System
The Home Made Energy System has very straight-forward instructions that anyone can follow. Renewable energy generators are easily built following these step by step directions.
This guide also comes with very precise video guides. Another really great choice for a Do-It-Yourself guide to making solar panels or wind mills to produce solar for home use.
Here is a brief testimonial on using the HomeMadeEnergy solar guide:
“I’m so glad I tried your system. I made my first solar panel this weekend and I wanted to let you know it’s awesome.
With your diagrams work was a breeze. Only one panel saves me a big chunk of electricity. Next weekend I’ll do another one. Most likely with 2 or 3 of these I will be able to eliminate my electric bill for good.”
Visit The Home Made Energy Website by Clicking Here
More Choices…
Efficient Planet Mission: To educate communities and individuals on how to live a more comfortable, cost effective and pro-planet lifestyle. Our DIY manuals show your traffic how to build their own solar panels, wind mills, and takes them through over 50 other amazing techniques to live a more efficient life forever.