Survival 2012 Guides
This page is devoted to bringing you some of the best Survival Guides for the 2012 World Ending Thing.
All or most of the photos on this page are CLICKABLE and will take you straight to the information on the pictures.
ME PERSONALLY,… I have a feeling if we are ready with a pocket full of change around the first of 2013, we might get some pretty good deals on survival and emergency preparedness equipment AFTER 2012.
Remember Y2K and all the deals you could pick up in the new millenium? =)
Most of these 2012 guides have 30 – 90 day money back guarantee.
In fact, the only way to LOSE is by not being prepared AT ALL!
For only a few bucks, you can at least have SOME idea of what could happen in 2012 and how to PREPARE your family for the worst. For one of the MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED guides on 2012…you can get a FREE SPECIAL REPORT by clicking on the series of videos below…
PLUS you will also learn….
- The real truth about Government Coverups, Swine Flu Pandemics and known natural disasters that are headed our way…and how people with power are not telling you everything they know…
- Learning how you can help turn what many believe to be the darkest period in history into the most enlightened. Could universal racial harmony really be achievable?
- The truth about the Sibylline Books and the end of the world. And how so much faith has been put in texts that turn out to be a fraud…
- Discovering the massive “phantom” that’s hiding right behind the sun. Is it Niburu? Planet X? Something else entirely? And how will this change your survival plan?
- An multi-pronged survival plan. Will it be Adam and Eve all over again? If so… do you have what it takes to start over for humanity?
- The I-Ching Prophecies… Mayan calendars… Hopi Indians teachings… Aztec calendars… On what subjects are they in sync? This might blow your mind!
- Unearthing the truth about “The Fifth Age Of Man” and whether 2012 is an ending… or a much needed new beginning for us all!
Learn all about it in the 2012 OFFICIAL COUNTDOWN Book
Learn all about it in the 2012 OFFICIAL COUNTDOWN Book
The Mayan Calendar……ending in the winter of 2012…
Nostradamus 2012…and the clash between the sun and the Milky Way…
A question on many of our minds is…”Is it for real?”
Should I be worried about my family?
How can we prepare for something we know so little about…?
Which is why it is good to be informed, of course… so we HAVE AN IDEA what COULD Happen!
What if 2012 it is just another Y2K??
Click here to see more on the 2012 Contact Guide Pictured above.. …
here is what one reader says about the 2012 Contact Guide..
After months of research on 2012….I bit the bullet, and bought “2012 Contact”.
All I can say is that this guide will probably save my life.
I learned more from these books in the first 30 pages than I did in the past 9 months of research.
Thank you so much, Christopher!
Jessica Lanners
Benson, Arizona, United States
In Conclusion…
I do NOT have any answers myself, but have found some interesting information on the internet that I will be sharing on here and will list more as I find it…
My theory is that it is WAY BETTER to be prepared than to be caught totally unprepared and no means to GET PREPARED!
Regardless WHAT happens in 2012 – our economy and country is at such a state that it is FOLLY to not be prepared for a meltdown.