I found this TRUE story of a survivalist from the bush of Alaska
He shares his TESTED AND TRUE survival gear list that he has compiled after living in the wilderness for several years. THIS is a TRUE survivalist!
This is a very detailed list of what you will need to survive a similar ordeal, and if it was me going to the cold northern parts of the earth, I would definitely follow this guide and plan!
“After my experiences the first two winters, I composed the following list. This is for one man’s survival in the bush (or anywhere) for five to six months.It was refined for my personal taste and needs in the Alaska bush. The old trapper that I got my first list from made do with a lot less than what I took.”I had around 200 traps and ran the line on snowshoes, foot and skis. Cut my firewood by hand (no chain saw) and hauled my water from the lake in buckets.It was hard work 12-15 hours a day 7 days a week and I burned a lot of calories. Using the following list I ate well and always had plenty of supplies left in the spring:”
COMPLETE Survival Gear List for ONE man in the Alaskan Bush…
- 50 lbs Flour
- 50 lbs Bisquick
- 25 lbs Pancake mix
- 35 lbs Sugar
- 50 lbs Pinto Beans
- 25 lbs Rice
- 40 lbs Salt pork
- 25 lbs Salt
- 10 lbs Dried prunes
- 10 lbs Raisons
- 10 lbs Dried apricots
- 10 lbs Dried apples
- 10 lbs Dried peaches
- 25 lbs Oatmeal
- 10 lbs Honey
- 2 cases Tomato paste
- 25 lbs powdered milk
- 15 lbs [canned] Butter
- 25 lbs Corn meal
- 25 lbs [canned] Cheese
- 20 lbs Spaghetti Noodles
- 10 lbs Crisco
- 15 lbs Hot cocoa mix
- 10 lbs Dried eggs
- 5 lbs Strawberry Jam
- 3 lbs Apricot Jam
- 2 boxes Pilot bread
- 1 gal Maple Syrup
- 180 Multi vitamins
- 180 Vitamin C
- 1 lb [powdered dry] Yeast
- 180 Tea bags
- 1 lbs Pepper
- 1 lbs
- Baking soda
- 8 lbs
- Dried onions
- 1 lb Baking powder
- 1 lb. Corn starch
- 24 oz Garlic powder
- 12 oz Vanilla
- 2 rolls aluminum foil
- 1/2 gal Dish soap
- 5 bars non-scented soap
- 36 Canning lids (to can meat if we had a winter thaw or for leftover in the spring)
- 8 oz Hydrogen peroxide
- 2 oz Iodine
- 12 rolls Toilet paper
- 2 Small sponges
- 2 Scrub pads
- 1 roll Duct Tape
- 4 boxes of wooden Matches
- 24 Plumber’s candles
- 500 rounds .22 long rifle hollow point ammo
- 100 .308 ammo 125 grain hollow point varmint ammo
- 20 rounds .308 ammo 180 grain (for Moose or Caribou )
- Trapping license and regulations
- Hunting license, moose tags and caribou tags
- New snowshoe bindings
- 1 truck inner tube
- 3 New hacksaw blades
- 2 New Ax handles
- 8 Bow saw blades
- 36 oz Lanolin
- 6 Disposable lighters
- 12 gal White gas [aka Coleman Fuel]
- 12 Lantern mantels
- 6 oz. Gun oil
- Trapping Lures, urine and musk
- 10 lbs Trap wax
- 2 rolls Survey [“flagging”] tape
- 1 pair Heavy Neoprene trapping gloves
- 7 lbs Trapping wire( 50% 12 ga and 50% 14 ga)
- 50 ft Trap Chain #2 and #3
- 24 Links
- 24 Swivels
- AM Radio with 8 extra 9 volt batteries
- 8’ New stove pipe for cabin stove
- 4 Leather awl needles and 50’ waxed thread
- Extra shoulder straps for pack frame
- Extra hip belt for pack
- New lid for fry pan 14”
- 100’ – 3/8 nylon rope
- 12×18” glass to replace cracked window
- Personal items
- 1 Wool Jacket
- 2 Wool pants
- 2 Work pants
- 1 Pair insulated Carhartt coveralls
- 4 Pair work gloves
- 2 Pair heavy winter over mittens.
- Winter trappers hat
- 1 pair
- Pack boots with 2 sets liners
- 1 pair Bunny Boots
- 1 Wool sweater
- 4 pair long sleeved wool shirts
- 3 pair Wool long john pants
- 3 pair Wool long john shirts
- 8 pair Wool socks
- 8 pair Cotton socks
- 6 pair Underpants
- 1 Bible
- 2 flying ground school books
- 6 Short sleeve Cotton shirts
- Tooth brush
- Tooth powder
- 2 rolls dental floss
- Carried or in an external frame pack:
- 1 .308 rifle
- 1 22 pistol (Colt Woodsman)
- Rain coat
- Rain pants
- Insolite sleeping pad
- Sleeping bag
- 10×12’ and 4×8’ light nylon tarps
- Flashlight
- Flashlight batteries
- Binoculars, 10×40
- Green River skinning knife, caping knife, boning knife.
- Small stone, small file and small diamond steel
- Compass
- Topo maps 1:250,000 scale
- 2 Candles
- Matches in waterproof container
- Lighter
- Small cook pot with lid
- Water bottle
- 100’ Parachute cord
- Small First aid kit with Large suture needles and suture, in sealed pack
- Mini channel locks (Snap-on) used for sutures and other things
- Pack repair kit
- ¾-length Hand ax. (Estwing)
- Small shovel
- Bow saw with extra blade
- 1 pair wool socks
- Wire snares
- Fish hooks and line
- 25’ .042” stainless wire
- 1 lb Dried soup mix